Home2021Beyond the Wound

Beyond the Wound

Starting this issue, we will be featuring literary works such as poems, short stories, and stories for children. Happy reading, listening, and storytelling. Our first literary work is a poem that reminds and encourages: when unity becomes difficult, bend but not breakā€¦

How deeply heart-rending it is

to smile at someoneā€™s eyes

and see them quickly shifting

to a side.

And yet, how deeply beautiful it is

to force oneā€™s tears to flow within

and, with the magic wand of Love,

command the light

to glow outside.

Perhaps itā€™s only now

my heart can grasp

why wise men say:

life is a game,

ā€˜cause on that stage

of light and shadows,

a play is always on the show.

And there you see

the shadow running

wildly and forever wanting

to devour the light

and stop its shining.

But where the darkness seems

to shed its mantle

then comes the sparkle

of a million stars,

a million smiles

and what was emptied

is now filledā€¦

W2JF / 2015


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