Home2020New City Magazine | February 2020

these words of Pope Francis deeply resonated in our hearts after what we recently experienced on January 12, 2020. We were totally caught unawares by the eruption of Taal Volcano. And as the devastation came, God, who abides in us, moved the hearts of countless individuals stirring up an “eruption” of love and solidarity, much stronger than the volcano’s wrath! Thus affirmed Cardinal Tagle in his homily during the Mass celebrating the Birth Centenary of Chiara Lubich held at San Carlos Seminary in Makati last January 19, 2020.

News from government agencies and pronouncements of experts did not promise calm days ahead but painted in our minds a scenario of chaos and doom. In fact, after only 3 days, close to half a million people were reported to have been evacuated from places surrounding Taal Volcano, many of whom were clueless as to where to go for shelter. Filled with fears and amidst tears, we sought inspiration from the cry of Christ, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Matthew
27:46)” Read more

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