Home2023Following Jesus along the Path of Love

Following Jesus along the Path of Love

During the Fourth World Youth Day held in Santiago de Compostela (Spain) in 1989, Chiara Lubich gave a talk entitled “Jesus is the way.” We have chosen an extract from it in which she invited everyone to set in motion the transforming power of love as Jesus himself did.

He was God’s Son, he was love, and he came to earth out of love. He lived for love, spreading and giving love, bringing the law of love, and he died for love. Then he rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, fulfilling his plan of love. Everything was for love: love for you, for me, for everyone.

We could say then that the way Jesus followed has a name: love. And we, who want to follow him, must walk along this way – the way of love.


Some of you might ask yourselves: what kind of love did Jesus have in his heart?  Out of what kind of love did he act? What kind of love did he leave here on earth?

The love that Jesus lived and brought on earth is a special and unique love. It is not the kind of love that you might imagine. It is not philanthropy, nor is it simply solidarity or kindness. It is not purely friendship or affection (like the love a boy can have for a girl, or a mother for her son), nor is it only non-violence. It is something exceptional, indeed, divine: the same ardent love that burns in God. Jesus has given us a flame of that infinite fire, a ray of that immense sun. It is something extraordinary. We do not think about this very often, but if we were to take it seriously, it would make us strong…

We must make this love fruitful.

How? By loving.

Chiara Lubich

C. Lubich, L’amore al fratello, Città Nuova, 2012, pp. 50-51


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