Early Letters -at the origins of a new spirituality


Trent 1943-1949. Years of war and postwar construction. In the silence of this historic city in Northern Italy began the “great adventure” of Chiara Lubich, marked by an astonishing outpouring of the Spirit, as well as a faithful response.

This book offers a collection of vibrant texts from the early letters of Chiara Lubich with her passionate desire: “to love God and make Him loved”.

In these letters, the God that Chiara invites us to believe in is Love. The conversion she asks of us is a conversion to Love. Often using the language and style of the saints and mystics of other ages (like Saint Catherine of Siena and Saint Francis of Assisi), Chiara communicates her burning desire that “Love be loved,” that “all the world be set ablaze by the fire of Love.” Her words are full of fervor, but also simplicity and practical common sense.

Chiara Lubich